Alma & Miguel's Biography
Alma Petlacalco, an Aztec descendant, was born in a Latter-day Saint family. She converted and married Miguel, and they were sealed in the Mexico City temple. Now they work together, providing tours to members and friends of the LDS faith from around the world, demonstrating the relationship of ancient Mayan archaeological sites and sharing their testimony of Jesus Christ in America, with an emphasis in Mesoamerica and the Book of Mormon.
Alma has served as a teacher in the Church through many assignments and callings. She is currently attending the Playa del Carmen ward. Miguel has a construction management degree from California State. His construction knowledge has proven useful as he has worked with the Church, building and supervising the reconstruction of chapels and stake centers that were damaged or destroyed by Hurricane Wilma in 2005 (along with building new chapels and stake centers in southeast Mexico). Miguel is a former bishop and has served on the high council during different periods and many other callings since becoming a member of the Church. He is currently the first high priest assistant and teaches the temple preparation class.
Alma and Miguel have dedicated their time to serve as temple workers in Los Angeles, California temple in the past. Now, Miguel has joined his wife Alma working together doing LDS tours, and he shares his testimony of Jesus Christ every time they take LDS visitors throughout the Mayan lands in the Peninsula of Yucatan Mexico.They are a team of passionate, spiritual Latter-day Saint tour guides. Alma and Miguel have lived in Mexico City, California, New York, Nevada, and Quintana Roo, Mexico while serving on Church assignments or pursuing business endeavors. They have five children: April, Miguel Jr., David, Janine, and Zarahemla. April and Janine are both now married and with children and currently reside in the US. Zarahemla lives in Playa del Carmen as is currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Psychology at the University of the Riviera Maya. Miguel and David are both return missionaries. Both served in the center of Mexico; Miguel served in the Puebla, Mexico Mission and David served in the Mexico City Northwest Mission. They are now married and both have wonderful children.